Water and reduction of obesity
In the former chapter you read why drinking water is important and how much should children drink. We have also read that tap water is a great helper against obesity.
Did you know, that according to WHO statistics 1 in 3 of 11-years old is overweight or obese?
Childhood obesity in the EU has some risk factors: cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, orthopedic problems, mental disorders, underachievement in school and lower self-esteem. (3)
Learn also why it is good to drink more tap water if you want to be more fit.
It was found out that overweight females who drank 0,5 l water 30 min. before their meals (in addition to regular water consumption ), loss of their weight, body fat and had lower body mass index. They also reported appetite suppression.
Water also increases calorie burning, if you drank it cold or at room temperature.
Is drinking diet beverages comparable to drinking water? NO, read why water is better.
In a study from 2015, female participants drank 0,25 l of water after lunch each day while attending a 24-week weight loss program. They lost 13.6 percent more weight than women in the same program who drank the same volume of diet beverages after lunch.
The results of different studies reveal that people who drink more water gain less weight over the years. (10) Read this interesting article.
Did you know that almost 40 percent of the sugar consumed by young children, comes from drinking sugar-sweetened beverages?
There are some other issues connected with soft drinks, which you can read here.
Actually, kids and teens who consumed low- and zero-calorie beverages ended up consuming an additional 200 calories per day compared with those who drank water. (5) Read more about this topic.
Are you interested in other consequences that sugar has on our body? More you can read here.
"The effects of added sugar intake — higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease — are all linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke," says Dr. Hu (9). Whole article you can read here.
But, why consuming soft drinks is still increasing, why sugar in different forms is so irresistible?
Take a look at this video and you will understand: