Waste Reduction

Modern generations are growing up with the notion that everything can be replaced, the resources are inexhaustible, and it is good to have many things. These ideas are usually not directly related to nature, but when children are confronted with the cycle of natural creation, they determine the importance of preserving, saving and restoring the surrounding world.

Explain the meaning of the word "Recycle" and how it acts. Let each class collects waste separately (paper, plastic, metal, glass). Explain to children the meaning of collecting, processing and creating something new that is unrelated to natural loss.

Source: pixabay

Raising awareness through intercom announcements and updating the notice board.

A sample of a Lesson’s plan 

Fun fact: All living things need water to live. People can live several weeks without food, but only a few days without water. We should drink six to eight glasses of water each day!

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