H2NOE - Waterschools in Lower Austria (Austria)

In waterschools students will drink enough water. This promotes efficiency and is an important contribution to prevent tooth decay and obesity.

The participating primary schools are being supported since the school year 2018/19 to become a »H2NOE« water school. All measures can be easily integrated into school life.

The advantages of waterschools:

  • More alert students
  • Effective health promotion
  • Better dental health
  • Lower overweight risk
  • Lighter schoolbags
  • Great acceptance among children, parents, teachers

Every student and teacher in the H2NOE water school receive their own free bottle. On school mornings only tap water is drunk (target: 500 ml). Individual drinking rituals and drinking rules in classes support pupils in drinking enough. School milk can still be offered as it is an important food component of a balanced diet.

All participating schools are well supported by “Tut gut! Initiative” with posters, materials and ongoing information.

Further information: https://www.noetutgut.at/bildung/h2noe-wasserschule-in-noe/

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