Drinking Water in Secondary schools - Vienna Waterschools (Austria)

After the successful implementation of water drinking at Viennese elementary schools, 50 secodary schools also got the support to become a water school. The schools actively promote the drinking of water - in school life and in class.

Why drinking tap water in secondary school?     

  • The students often drink too little and too sweet at school.     
  • A fluid deficit leads to fatigue and lack of concentration.     
  • Overweight and obesity are associated with regular consumption of sweet drinks and sodas.
  • Plastic waste is mainly plastic bottle waste in secondary schools.   
  • Vienna has an excellent drinking water quality.

A project group at each school works on accompanying measures. The participating schools receive extensive teaching materials, posters and drinking bottles for students and teachers.

The project is accompanied by gutessen consulting and externally evaluated. It is supported by the Vienna school board and sponsored by Wiener Gesundheitsförderung, Fonds Gesundes Österreich and the water supplier “Wiener Wasser”.

Further information and materials: http://www.gutessen.at/wasserschule-wien.html

Example of NMS Kauergasse: This school reduced the waste of 83.000 plastic bottles per school year by becoming a waterschool and by drinking tap water!

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