
In order to become a water school, a number of different actors, who are involved in implementing the project and reaching the goals, need to be kept in mind. As all employees of the school should support the goals of the water school, it is recommended to implement a working group. All educators, parents and the head of school should be part of this group, to discuss the goals and decide on what action to take. Everyone involved has the opportunity to actively support the initiative and thereby helping to reach the goals of the project.

In order to assure a sufficient water quality the health department should check and verify the water pipes. That way, you can make sure that the health of the children is protected and you are provided with counter arguments for any sceptic of the project. In general the quality of tab water in Europe is very high. In case any pipes are defect a plumber can repair or replace them and electricians can install water fountains if a sufficient quality of water cannot be provided. Ask local waterworks whether they would be interested in initiating a joint project on the topic of sustainable water usage.

In order to make everyone aware of the project and goals, a possibility is to design informative flyers and posters. One should try to find sponsors, who support the initiative. It might be possible to find a company, which can provide bottles or water fountains.

Actors at a water school:

  • Working cycle: formed by the school, composed of school employees (educators, parents and school director)
  • Health department to verify the quality of the tab water
  • Plumber (if new pipes need to be installed)
  • Electrician (for the installation of water fountains, if necessary)
  • Local Waterworks (for projects on the topic)
  • Printing company (to print information flyer for the parents etc.)
  • Sponsors (for bottles, glasses and cups and possibly water fountain)

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