Mission "I choose a cup for multiple use" (Bulgaria)

The mission “I choose cup for multiple use” is a joint project of the Public Environmental Center for Sustainable Development /PECSD/ in Varna and the founder of ZERA - Sabina Maximova. The project is inspired by Greenpeace's campaigns for a plastic-free future and focuses on the problem of using disposable water cups in kindergartens. The mission offers kindergartens to replace disposable plastic cups with reusable metal cups with engraved individual pictures for each child. This mission aims to instill new values for the conservation of Earth's resources and care for nature by displacing the culturally-inspired suggestions for the convenience of disposing of disposable plastic drinking glasses in the kindergarten.

It covers three areas: kindergartens, offices and events. Suggestions are related to replacing disposable utensils, installing water purification systems to replace known dispensers, and using reusable products during major events. In addition to measurable results in quantity and volume of savings Inappropriate plastic waste, the campaign "I choose a cup for multiple use has a huge educational and social effect. Decisions are not accidentally focused on education, business, and event management. They are significant in their consumption but also in the degree of influence they exert on society.

Тhe essence of the mission is to make every director, teacher, parent in a kindergarten to say: "I choose the reusable cup" and do it!

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